
Background Check / Drug Test

You have placed an order that includes either a background check and/or drug test.

Click "View Results" to view your results.

Background check results are typically returned within 3 to 5 business days, but can take up to 2 weeks. Negative drug test results are typically returned within 2 to 3 business days after collection.


You have NOT placed an order that includes results for a background check and/or drug test.

Select "Place New Order" only if you need a background check and/or drug test.

Drug Testing

You have placed an order that includes a drug test.

Please allow up to 1 business day to receive instructions.

Click "Drug Testing" on the left to view your instructions, when available.

Drug Testing

You have NOT placed an order that includes a drug test.

Select "Place New Order" only if you need a drug test performed.

Health Portal

You have placed an order that includes Health Portal.

Click "Health Portal" to access your requirements and start uploading documents.

Uploaded documents are typically reviewed within 24 business hours.

Health Portal

You have NOT placed an order that includes Health Portal.

Select "Place New Order" only if you need a Health Portal for uploading required documents.

Health Portal Messages



You have placed an order that includes online training for HIPAA and/or OSHA/Bloodborne Pathogens Training.

Online training courses are not completed within viewpointscreening.com.

You will receive an email after 1 business day with your login information.


You have NOT placed an order for eLearning.

Select "Place New Order" only if your school has requested that you complete eLearning through Viewpoint Screening.


You have placed an order for a fingerprint background check.

Click "Fingerprinting" on the left to view your instructions.


You have NOT placed an order for a fingerprint background check.

Select "Place New Order" only if your school has requested that you complete fingerprinting through Viewpoint Screening.